

The Post Genomic Condition: Ethics, Justice, Knowledge After the Genome. Chicago University Press (Forthcoming).

2005. Race to the Finish: Identity and Governance in an Age of Genomics. Princeton University.

Journal Articles:

Forthcoming (Fall 2015). “Science and Justice: Creating Spaces for Response-Ability.” Catalyst. Co-authored with J. Metcalf, M. Kenney, and K. Barad.

2013. Science and Justice Research Center Collaborations Group. “Experiments in Collaboration: Interdisciplinary Graduate Education in Science and Justice.PLoS Biology.

2013. “Indigenous Body Parts, Mutating Temporalities, and the Half-Lives of Postcolonial Technoscience.Social Studies of Science. Co-authored with E.Kowal and J. Radin.

2013. “On the Emergence of Science and Justice.Science, Technology and Human Values.

2012. “‘Your DNA is Our History’: Genomics, Anthropology, and the Construction of Whiteness as Property.Current Anthropology. Co-authored with K. Tallbear.

2011. “The ‘Persons’ and ‘Genomics’ of Personal Genomics.Personalized Medicine.

Contributions to Books:

2011. “Human Population Genomics and the Dilemma of Difference,” in Reframing Rights: The Constitutional Implications of Technological Change. MIT Press.

2008. “Race Without Salvation: Beyond the Science/Society Divide in Genomic Studies of Human Differences,” in Revisiting Race in a Genomic Age. Rutgers University Press.

2006. “Creating Participatory Subjects: Race, Science and Democracy in a Genomic Age,” in The New Political Sociology of Science: Institutions, Networks, and Power. University of Wisconsin Press.

Reviews of Race to the Finish: Identity and Governance in and Age of Genomics:

 2007. Lisa Gannett. British Journal for the History of Science. Vol. 40 Issue 3, p462-464.  

2007. Staffan Müller-Wille. “Diversity and Adversity.” New Formations. Issue 60, p158-161.

2006. Barry Barnes. ISIS: Journal of the History of Science in Society. Vol. 97 Issue 2, p383-384.  

2006. Hilary Cunningham. American Anthropologist. Vol. 108 Issue 1, p256-257. 

2006. Henk Van Den Belt. New Genetics & Society. Vol. 25 Issue 3, p343-349.  

2005. Henry T. Greely. “Lessons from the HGDP? Review of Race to the Finish: Identity and Governance in the Age of Genomics by Jenny Reardon.” 308 Science  1554-1555.

2005. Luca Cavalli-Sforza. “Studying Diversity.” EMBO Rep. Aug 6(8): 713. 

2005. Jonathan Marks. Quarterly Review of Biology. Vol. 80 Issue 4, p504-505. 

2005. Diane Paul. “Diversity and Controversy.” Nature. Vol. 437 Issue 7059, p621-622. 

2005. David J. Rothman and Shelia M. Rothman. “Race without Racism.” New Republic. Vol. 233 Issue 20, p27-30.