

Fall 2015 Residency at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, Germany.

Present-2012. Visiting Professor for the Department of Social Sciences, Health and Medicine at King's College London.

2014. Residency at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, Germany.

2013. Brocher Foundation Residency in Geneva, Switzerland.

2010-2012. Visiting Fellow: Centre for the Study of Bioscience, Biomedicine and Biotechnology, at the London School of Economics.

Selected Grants:

“UC North Bioethics Collaboratory for Life & Health Sciences.” (UCOP Award No: MR-15-327911). Award Period: January 1, 2015-December 31, 2016. Award Amount: $298, 289 (UCSC Subaward amount: $17, 627).

“Open Data/Private Persons: Forging a New Social Contract for Biomedicine in an Age of Genomics and Big Data” (NSF Award No: SES-1451684). Award Period: February 1, 2015-January 31, 2016. Award Amount: $25,000.

“Ethics and Justice in Science and Engineering Training Program” (NSF Award No: SES-0933027). Award Period: October 1, 2009-September 30, 2013. Award Amount: $300,000 plus a $15,000 supplement awarded in 2011.

“Genomics, Governance and Tribes: A Workshop” (NSF Award No: NCS0002). Award Period: 8/1/07-12/31/09. Award Amount: $24,972.

"Genes Without Borders: Towards Global Genomic Governance," International Research Team Partner (funded by the Austrian Genome Research Programme). Award Period: 01/01/06-1/1/08. Award Amount: $10,000.

“Paradoxes of Participation: The Status of 'Groups' in Liberal Democracies in an Age of Genomics” (NSF Award No: 0351475). Award Period: 6/1/2004-12/31/2008. Award Amount: $120, 000.

Recent Keynotes, Plenaries and Named Lectures

“Re-thinking Feminist Epistemology and Justice After the Genome.” Inaugural Conference of the Feminist Research Institute, University of California, Davis, February 2015.

“The Postgenomic Condition: Notes for Future Historians of Science.” Plenary Address at Perspectives for the History of the Life Sciences: New Themes, New Sources, New Approaches, Munich, Germany, October 2015.

“The Postgenomic Condition: Ethics, Justice, Knowledge After the Genome.” Franke Program Lecture in Science and the Humanities, Yale University, May 2014

“The Anti-Racist Democratic Genome.” Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues, Dickinson College, March 2014. For recording of talk, see

Public Lecture or Forum Participation:

2015. “Commentary.” Invisible Labor Workshop, at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, in Berlin, Germany.

2015. “The Genomic Open: Historiographic Considerations,” at The National Human Genome Research Institute, in Rockville, Maryland.
2015. “For Whom the Genome Tolls: Race, Genomics and Justice in the American South at the Turn of the Millennium,” at the University of Pennsylvania Program on Race, Science and Society. 

Papers Presented at Professional Meetings:

2012. "On the Emergence of Genomics and Justice," presented at the Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting, in Copenhagen, Denmark.
2012. Moderator: Genomics Gets Personal Panel, at the University of California - San Francisco.

2009. “Finding Oprah’s Roots, Losing the World: At the Limits of Genomic Liberalism,” presented at the Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting, in Washington D.C.

2010. Member of Presidential Session on Intellectual Convergence: Sociology &
Interdisciplinarity, at The Pacific Sociological Association. 

2010. "The Postgenomic Condition," at the Science and Democracy Network Meeting, Kavli Royal Society International Centre in Chicheley Hall, UK.